We are aimed to serve as a center for religious development, social, economic, educational, cultural enrichment and promote excellence in community life and human dignity throughout our neighborhoods, city, and country.

Expansion Project
Expansion to 21,320 SF

Muslim Society Of Jersey Shore (MSJS) AKA- Masjid Bilal Expansion is a Toms River, New Jersey approved, Community Center Project that will enlarge the current 8,560 SF To a 21,320 SF Community Powerhouse.

EXPANSION SUMMARY: New 10,285 SF Multipurpose hall For larger classrooms, gymnasium,  New 2,605 SF sister's prayer hall. New creative computing laboratory. New restrooms Facility.  New & larger ablution and restrooms for both sisters and brothers. Accommodate more Students in Sunday School  programs in Arabic and Islamic studies. Expansion of The Summer Camp and other Community needed programs. Accommodates Community Activities and celebrations.


Build the house of Allah & gain immense reward

Donate a brick in your name or a loved one today. Your donation will help build the Masjid,
giving you perpetual Sadaqah reward.

The Importance of Masjid

At Masjid Bilal, we know that without personal and spiritual development, there can be no social development. The Masjid is the place where personal and spiritual development happens, also double as community center and place of learning. It is where people are united in worship, where Brothers or Sisters come for solace and support, and where children learn religious manners and read the Holy Qur’an.

Masjid is the center of any community where people can congregate for their five daily prayers and Friday congregation sermons. The Masjid serves as a place where Muslims can come together not only for prayers, but for information, education and meetings.

Faith is vital to shaping the attitudes, beliefs and practices that lay the foundation for everyday life. Faith unites people as a community, gives them strength, breeds hope, and inspires social justice as well as the perseverance to improve themselves and their lives. Within the Islamic context where the concept of Zakat obligates the fair distribution of wealth, faith is integral to development.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Privacy Policy, ### Who We Are Our website address is: https://masjidbilal.net. ### What Personal Data We Collect and Why **Comments** …

Terms And Conditions

Terms And Conditions Terms And Conditions Policy, The Muslim Society of Jersey Shore(the “MSJS”) Masjid Bilal, Terms and Conditions of Use Welcome …

Donor Policy

Donor Policy Donor Privacy Policy, The Muslim Society of Jersey shore, Masjid Bilal. (“MSJSl”, “us”, “we”, “our”) will not sell, share, or …

Zakat Resources

Zakat Resources Zakat Essentials Zakat, or zakat al-mal, means stands as the third pillar of Islam, coming immediately after salat, the daily …

Funded with your Donations Only. Be Generous and keep the house of Allah open.

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